Saint and Sinner from Kat Von D

Remember last month when I got a Voxbox from Influenster? Well, I was lucky to receive another one from Influenster with brand spakin’ new products. Kinda…Because it’s actually a relaunch of two fan favourite products, Saint and Sinner perfumes. The products in this Voxbox are from Kat Von D Beauty.…

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 Issues 5-8

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Volume 1…the later issues In the last Unbeatable Squirrel Girl review, I covered issues 2 through 4. As the tale left off, we saw Squirrel Girl defeat Galactus, return to earth from the Star Sphere, and resume living the “college life” as Doreen Green with her…

My 2017 Liebster Award & Nominations

In the blogger community, there’s a little something called the Liebster Award. Basically a Liebster Award is a virtual Internet award that is exchanged between bloggers. It came on the scene in 2011 to show bloggers that someone values their blog. And to be honest, back then I was in…

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 Issues 2-4

It’s been a little while since I reviewed The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, featuring the character Squirrel Girl in her very own, debut comic series. There was an overwhelmingly positive response to Doreen Green, aka The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. In other exciting news, Squirrel Girl has been announced as the lead…

Celebrating Canada 150: What Being Canadian Means

Canada’s 150 Birthday History If you want to witness Canadian patriotism, there is no better time than during Canada’s 150th Birthday when the country celebrates our identity. If you’re Canadian you can probably remember your history teachers drilling into your head, the date of July 1st 1867 when Canada signed…

Beauty From Shiseido Skin Care

I was one of the lucky Influensters to receive a Voxbox this month. If you haven’t heard of Voxboxes or Influenster, you can get all the detailed info on the Influenster website. But basically when you sign up with Influenster, you can review lifestyle and beauty products and then answer…

Book Review of Lillian Boxfish Takes A Walk

Earlier this year I was at my local Chapters looking for a new read to add to my bookshelf (hence this going into my bookshelf series posts) and came across the book Lillian Boxfish Takes A Walk, by author Kathleen Rooney. For those wondering how often I read books, the…